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Each week is spent on writing instruction, and the study of literature - short stories, the novel, drama and poetry, as well as non-fiction. Students are introduced to several writing modes, including research. Independent reading is required throughout the year. As students write more extensively, they become more critical readers, and as they read more, they learn to identify and incorporate the tools of master writers. This course is currently under revision. Upon Board approval the description of the course will be modified to align with the revised curriculum and current New Jersey Student Learning Standards.


**Google Classroom will be used in this class.  Students will receive a code to access the virtual classroom at the beginning of the year.  Google classroom will be used to implement assignments and discussions online.**






Course Description:

Units of Study:

  1. Windows and Mirrors

  2. Empathy and Understanding 

  3. Conflicts and Consequences

  4. The Power of Words

Grading Policy:

~Essays/Tests/Projects:100 points

~Quizzes:10-40 points

~Class Participation: 10-30 points

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